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Virtual: 120 minutes / 120 minutes x 2

In-person: 180 minutes

Since the pandemic, the training world has undergone a massive shift–from the belief that face-to-face training is going to be here forever as one of the main delivery options, to the realisation that face-to-face is not the only plan, and that virtual training, if done correctly, can be just as engaging, and have better learning outcomes. Yet many trainers, internal coaches, and team leaders are either playing catch-up, or using a “drag-and-drop” technique to move their traditional training online.

There’s some good news and some bad news here. The good news is that many of the techniques trainers and technical professionals have traditionally employed to engage learners are still valid in the virtual environment. The bad news is, that some of these need tweaking to make virtual training engaging. 

In this virtual bite-size training course, you’ll not only learn but take part in best-practice virtual training. Thinking about your own training, you’ll consider what changes you need to make to really bring out the best in your learners, and experience virtual training as a participant. Join this course to have the opportunity to take over as host, present material and get feedback from the trainer and other participants.

This course will:

  • Show you how virtual training can be as good as, or better than, face-to-face

  • Help you to meet this standard in your own training

  • Guide you through the entire learning journey, from pre-course to training delivery, to post-course reinforcement

  • Give you the skills and confidence to deliver an engaging training experience

Course topics:

  • The key objective with engaging virtual training

  • Getting the basics right

  • Planning the learner journey

  • Delivering a virtual training course

  • Selling the idea of virtual training to customers and participants

Image by iyus sugiharto
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