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DISC Maps - we use the Mapstell that is based on the DISC personality system. Mr. Sebastiaan Rompa, The Founder of Mapstell reinforced this model by adding a visual layer: the World of Difference. The names of cities, mountains and rivers in this map tell everything about the differences in behaviour.

The map invites you to discover your own behaviour and then, literally, step into someone else’s world. We offer a contemporary, positive and impactful alternative to lengthy and often somewhat dull and complex assessment reports. From personal development, achieving joint perspectives to literally mapping leadership styles, the World of Difference offers countless possibilities.


The Personalmapping is your own behavioural style represented as a full colour stunningly detailed map, with all the features – cities, rivers, mountains and seas – shown as your characteristics and personality traits. Based on a simple set of questions that you answer, our system creates a remarkably accurate profile of not only your behavioural style, but also any challenges that you may want to work on or develop, and how others around you perceive you and how you relate to them. You will get to know and understand yourself and others much better. With PersonalMappingâ„¢ you literally put yourself on the map!

Standing Meeting


When you’ve got a team of all-stars, sometimes even they can use a re-focusing session to bring their energies in synch. Take a high-performing group and what’s a common issue? They don’t feel challenged, or they compete too much. DISC Maps Team Synergy Workshop packs in all our most thought-provoking activities to target the development of the advanced skills you want!
We help to Turn All-Stars into an All-Star Team!

You’ve got all aces on your team, but what happens when there’s a breakdown in teamwork? Team Synergy™ takes your high-performing group and turns it into a real team.

What separates a team from a mere group? Collaboration, Communication, Respect, and an understanding of behavioural styles and how they affect team effectiveness. While that’s a lot to cover in just a session.


Clients often approach Justwork Hong Kong with a general idea of what they need, and this project was no different. We were able to jump right in with our expertise and really helped the company grow and evolve. Today, their business is doing exceptionally well.

Leadership is the influence that a person, whether consciously or not, has on his or her environment. These are things like appearance, natural authority, inspiration, authenticity, vision, responsibility, persuasiveness, all of this with the following result: getting followers based on trust.

There is a difference between the concepts of leadership and management: Management is what you do and also relates to your formal role.
- Management is a skill;
- Leadership is about personal characteristics, how you do things, and is related to context.
The manager does things right, the leader does the right things.

This workshop help delegates understand and appreciate then core skills and practices of effective leaders.

nd we’re proud to have been part of the process.

Course Outline
Image by KOBU Agency


In this workshop:

  • Experiential learning game that encourages open communication and sharing of ideas

  • Understanding different DISC behaviour styles – Decisive, Influential, Conscientious, and Stable

  • Profound breakthroughs in understanding how to influence others and support others

  • With assessment: Zoom into individual's area, help participants assess their strengths and define a meaningful outcome 

  • With assessment: Zoom out to the Team map, encourage trust-building and conflict resolution through a better understanding of human behaviour and group dynamics


In this workshop, we discuss:
1. Personal leadership: the behaviour that you have naturally, which is used to shape your leadership; what is your mission, what motivates you, Do you have a positive attitude and do you know yourself?

2. Interpersonal leadership: the way you deal with people; What are your communication skills, how do you deal with conflicts, are you able to maintain relationships, do you give others enough space to develop themselves and how are they influenced by you?

3. Team leadership: the role that you have in a group; Do you understand processes within the team, are you able to promote creativity, do you have the following political and social skills and do you understand (the background) of people?


  • Leadership exercises and experiential activities that encourage open communication and sharing of ideas

  • Understanding different DISC leadership styles – Decisive, Influential, Conscientious, and Stable

  • Profound breakthroughs in understanding how to influence others

  • Leadership development check-in to help key leaders assess their strengths and define a meaningful outcome 

  • Group problem-solving exercises that encourage conflict resolution through a better understanding of human behaviour and group dynamics

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